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Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip Replacement

Hip Replacement Surgery

Average Length of Stay

3 Weeks

Length of Stay in Hospital

3 to 4 Days

Operation Duration

1 - 2 Hours


General Anesthesia

Recovery Duration

1 undefined

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Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip replacement surgery, a form of joint replacement, can be used to relieve patients of hip pain and improve the hip’s mobility and overall health. HIR is a surgical procedure used to treat a hip disorder in which one or both hip joints no longer function properly. One type of hip disorder that causes hip pain and restricts hip movement is hip arthritis. Hip arthritis is a progressive condition that causes inflammation in the joint, the space where the hip bones meet, and this can be due to aging, injury or repeated movements such as walking. Hip arthritis may be caused by injury, overuse, or disease. As the condition worsens, the patient’s pain increases and mobility declines.

Who is a candidate for HIR surgery?

Any patient who has severe hip arthritis that has not responded to conservative treatments such as rest, medication and physical therapy can benefit from HIR surgery. HIR surgery may also be used in cases of hip fracture, or fractures of the lower leg due to a fall or other traumatic injury. HIR surgery is generally a procedure performed on patients between the ages of 55 and 75. A person’s age alone does not dictate whether the patient is a candidate for HIR surgery, as each patient’s body can vary in its ability to withstand surgery and in its recovery from the procedure.

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